He had his checkup February 25
th and he was 13.2lbs and 24in ( I think it's written down somewhere I'll let you know if I'm wrong). Big boy. Doc said everything is going great he's in the 98
th percentile for height and 80
th for weight. Tall and skinny just like his daddy :) Doc asked how he'd been sleeping
HAHAHAHAHAH and I told him he'd stay up for 12+ hours at a time but that sometimes he'd sleep for 8hrs. .. and do you know what the doctor said? He said it was perfectly fine to put him on a schedule and I said..."but what if he cries?" and the doctor says "let him cry" and I said "but I thought if babies cried it was because they needed something" and he said "sometimes but that is only for the first few weeks after that they learn crying means you'll pick them up and if he can sleep for 8 hours you can put him to bed at a regular time" He also said that he only said
Xan could go on a schedule b/c he is growing so well and that I didn't have to put him on a schedule but that it wouldn't hurt him and would be better for ME in the long run which would be better for him
soooooo. I decided to make a schedule for him (which I'll post later) but then came the bad news.
I didn't know he was getting those but he needed 5 shots and some stuff by mouth...he liked the stuff he ate b/c it was sweetened but those shots about killed us :( I was in tears and he was screaming and being all pittiful..I could tell he was saying mommy make it stop :( ;:sigh:: So the nurse said he might run a fever and he did....he got all snuggly and wanted to be held so no schedule till he was feeling better...started it Tuesday night at bedtime :) More on that when I post the schedule.
Shots bad. Baby good. Schedule good.
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