Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sick Daddy

So...Friday before last (2/29) my husband didn't go to work because he wasn't feeling very Saturday he had almost 103 temp. Great. So I locked him in our bedroom and refused to let him out or anywhere near the baby. Everytime I came out of the room (was taking him food/water/movies/whatever else he wanted) I Purelled my hands..changed my shirt if it touched him ect all in an effort to keep the baby safe from the germs...Is that overkill? Anyways took hubby and the baby to the doc that Monday (hubby b/c he was still spiking a fever even w/meds baby b/c he'd started to have a fever) and hubby got on antibiotics.
Oh and I got my dad to watch the baby and took hubby in the vehicle that the baby never rides in so the germs wouldn't be there when I took the baby to the doc in the afternoon...I ever mention I worry? :)
Pediatrician said that he thought the baby had a little virus and not whatever my husband had which was great and that the baby wasn't dehydrated which is the main reason they hospitalize sick babies. So all good news on the baby front. I asked the doc if I was being nuts by bringing him in and he said I did the right thing ( i love my pediatrician) :) Also told me if the baby got a fever over 100.3/4 to bring him in or take him to the ER and to not give him tylonal so that we could tell if he was getting better or worse..and I was going to give it to him.
So, thankfully they are both feeling much better. Or rather the baby isn't sick anymore and hubby is mostly better ;)
Hubby was away from the baby for a week and when the doc gave the all clear to be around him again it was just the sweetest thing. He went on about how much Xan had grown (and technically that was true b/c at the doctors office he had gained 6oz) and how much he missed Xan. I swear having a baby is the best way to fall in love with your husband all over again <3

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