Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'll probably end up talking about this site more than once because I really think I'm in love.  They have the formula I buy, diapers, wipes, and just about any baby item you think you could ever want.  The best part is that they have free two day shipping on orders over $49.

Their customer service is fantastic too.  I've had items arrived damaged before (the kind of formula I buy is liquid and has to be handled really carefully or it dents and then I won't use it).  Well they have always sent a replacement out the same day (happened twice) and apologized and asked me to discard the other order.  That matters because they weren't all bratty about it and didn't make me try to figure out how to ship anything back.

They even have a promotional program you can sign up with to earn money off future orders AND help other moms at the same time.  For example...if you use this code:


You will get $10 off your first order (of any amount)and still get the free shipping if the order is over $49.  Pretty sweet, right?  And I get $1 credit every time someone uses the code.  Win-win situation in my mind.

So...if you haven't given it a try yet visit the nice people at and check out their great products (and pretty excellent prices) If you already use them tell everyone what you think :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dear Kid Saturday: Time to Boogie

My love, you have started to boogie with me.  It is so completely adorable when you just start rocking side to side or do your imitation of the twist.  You have always loved music and it looks like you will be joining the majority of the family members that loved to dance as well.  You granny (my mother's mom) and your grandpa (my dad) and, of course, your mommy all love to dance.  *there are also several aunts, great-great aunts, and a few uncles who like to get down*

I hope you always enjoy music and dancing and am looking forward to watching you get down with your bad self.



Thursday, January 15, 2009

Transformation Tuesday: Reevaluation

I know I didn't give an update last week but that is because I was flying to California.  Last week I got all of my cardio in and most of my balance board stuffs in too.  AND I was down a total of -.6 lbs.  Unfortunately in California I didn't have my Wii fit and my eating habits went down the drain and I gained exactly that back this week. 

Now for the reevaluation bit.  While trying to yoga and strength training I realized that I need to let my ankle heal some more (I broke it and got a pretty nasty sprain a few months ago) and I need to lose weight.  ::sigh::  So...instead of feeling like a total failure I'm going to reevaluate my goals to make them more realistic. 

Here we go:

  • 30 min of cardio 5x per week

Yup that's it for me. I'd like to lose 10lbs in the next 4 weeks but we'll see how it goes.  I'm going to think about a diet this week and see what I come up with. 

Oh and I did my cardio today :)


How is everyone else doing???

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nap Time

Xan is now scheduled for a nap between 9-11;30 and 2-4:30 then sleeps from 7-7:30.  For the first nap he usually plays for about an hour in his crib then crashes and for the second he does the same or plays the entire time.  I'm not sure if I should cut one of the naps or what...he gets so grumpy if he doesn't get that time alone but at the same time I think of how he might be happier playing or something.  What do you think?  Too many naps or just right??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back from California

Wow did I miss my sweet boys.  I had a two month old and my best friend to occupy my time but it was still difficult to be away for so long.  I called twice a day and got a speaker phone fix, but yeah.  I had thought I'd have time to either prepost or post during the 'vacation' but we were going nonstop for the most part so I got no blogging or work done.  Ah well :)  First time I've seen her since June and first time I've ever seen the little meanie (wow can he cuss like a sailor for such a little fella.)

Anywho.  She's fantastic and he's just about the cutest thing ever (except for my angel of course) and I can't wait to see them again....if I can tear myself away from my angel ;)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle

I’m always singing to Xan and occasionally I realize I don’t know all of the words. Well I do know all of the first verse for twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, but did you know there is more than one verse? I swear sometimes I think I was deprived as a child ;)

Here are the lyrics:

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky!
When the blazing sun is gone,
When the nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Then the traveler in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He couldn't see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveler in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star."

And a piano rendition of the song, while very pretty a bit too fast for my lullaby rendition ;)


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Diapers, wipes, and formula

I swear I need to buy stock in those three things. I feel like I am always ordering or running out to buy them...I've been trying which is great and I use Amazon's auto shipment but dang. It's still a hassle. I wish there was a diaper and/or wipe tree. I should be the formula tree but that didn't work out at around month four.

One thing for sure though. I don't care if I have to get an industrial strength pump...with the next kid I'm nursing for the first year if it is humanly possible.

Any advice on how not to have to go out all the time for these??

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dear Kid Saturday: Clapping

Dear Xan,

You are just a bit over a year old now and for the last few months you've been especially cute. When we eat meals we watch an episode of *insert random TV show here* that we have on dvd or that we've rented from Netflix. Well at the end of each episode when the credits roll you start clapping. We have no idea why you started doing this as you've never seen us clap at the end of anything only when you've done something good. It is just about the cutest thing ever. Shortly after you started doing it you would clap when we did something you wanted. Diaper change, specific toy, or bottle (if you wanted it) and we'd get claps.

You are such a cutie!

hugs and love,

Dear Kid Saturdays at Cutest Kid Ever

Friday, January 2, 2009

Well Baby Checkup

I took Xan for his 1 year well baby check up today and....I got a shot? Yeah, I know I was freaked out about it too at first because I totally hate shots do what you gotta do, right? So the nurse hands me flyers about the MRR and chickenpox vac. and I remind her that I"ve never had the chickenpox and ask when I should get my shot and she tells me to talk to the doctor about it.
He comes in and says've probably had it and don't remember. I said, no. I've had the antibodies test and I've never had it (my dad had shingles it was a big deal earlier) anywho so he says no problem, we'll give it to you. DANG thought I could put it off. So holding the baby I took my shot and I didn't even cry!

I must've been a good example because my sweet boy did wonderfully. He clouded up when the nurse gave him the first shot and a bit more with the second but I gave him smoochies and he didn't cry at all. So brave!

While I"m bragging....when we were in the waiting room all of these other children were crying and he just looked around like what's wrong with them. He even smiled at one little girl and got her to stop crying. How sweet is that?

Usually our shot appointments are pretty traumatic (for me at least) but this one was great. How do you handle watching when your sweet baby gets a shot??

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Transformation Thursday: A New Beginning

Happy New Year's Day! I've decided that this year I want to be healthier (among other things) and I know I do better at just about everything if I'm accountable to someone so every Thursday I will be posting about my progress in transforming myself. The idea for a weekly post evolved out of my love for Dear Kid Saturday, over at the Cutest Kid Ever blog. (I'll be writing my weekly letter as well, she's such an inspiration!) I was talking to Cindy at Love My Joes and she came up with the title, she's a smart one ;)

Alrighty, so here are a few of the things I'll be doing this year.
  • 30 min of cardio 5x per week
  • Wii balance games daily min of 2x per game
  • Wii yoga 3x per week min of 2x per pose
  • Wii strength 3x per week min of 2x per exercise.
  • Lose 60lbs (unless I get preggers then I'll try to maintain)
  • Weigh in weekly and post my +/- here. Not telling you what I weigh, unlike Cindy. Maybe after I get down to thin again I'll do before and after weights but not now. No way.
  • Grow and eat my own produce (hubby bought me an Aero Garden for Christmas, pretty excited as I have a notorious black thumb)

Other things I'm going to try out include weekly meatless meals and trying new fruits and veggies and learning to eat healthier overall. I had horrid role models growing up so it is a bit like learning to walk when you are 30, uhm 31.

Right. I really hope you will want to play along and have your own Transformation Thursday posts to share your progress. If you do check out the Transformation Thursday tab :)

I can, I will, I am!